The Agilent 81130A 400/660 MHz Pulse/Pattern Generator Mainframe is used with the 81131A and/or 81132A output module generates all the standard pulses and digital patterns needed to test current logic technologies (CMOS, TTL, LVDS, ECL, etc.). With the optional second channel multi-level and multi-timing signals can be obtained using the internal channel addition feature. Timing values can now be swept without the danger of misleading pulses or dropouts that could cause measurement errors. Specifications. Frequency range: 170 kHz (1 kHz) to 400 MHz (81131A), 170 kHz (1 kHz) to 660 MHz (81132A). Frequency resolution: 4 digits, (2 ps best case). Period Range: 2.5 ns to 5.9 µs 1.50 ns to 5.9 µs (f < 170 kHz: 2.5 ns to 1 ms). Accuracy: ± 100 ppm. RMS jitter (int ref, int clk): 0.001% + 15 ps. Period Width range: 1.25 ns to period - 1.25 ns (81131A), 750 ps to period - 750 ps (81132A). Width resolution: 4 digits ( 2 ps best case) (f < 170 kHz: 0.05% of period). Width accuracy: ± (100 ppm + 200 ps) (f < 170 kHz: 0.06% of period). Width jitter: 0.001% + 15 ps. Add, variable delay range: 0 to 3.00 µs independent of period ( > 3 µs: one to 1 period). Transition time range (10/90): 800 ps or 1600 ps (81131A), fixed (81132A). Burst Count: 2 to 65504. Delay: delay, phase or % of period. Duty cycle: set between 0.1% and 99,9% (subject to width limits). Repeatability: is typ. four times better than accuracy. Amplitude: 0.10 Vpp to 3.80 Vpp (81131A), 0.10 Vpp to 2.50 Vpp (81132A). Max. external voltage: - 2.2 to +5.5V (81131A), -2.0 to +4.0 V (81132A). Pattern length: 65504 bit/channel, if PRBS is used: (65503 - RBLength).