The LeCroy WavePro 7300AXXL delivers fast, accurate measurements associated more often with high-end lab oscilloscopes. Common Jitter and Timing measurements for clock and timing analysis enhance its capabilities.Wrap this performance in a very attractive price, and the LeCroy WavePro oscilloscope is the ideal solution for your test needs. The LeCroy WavePro 7300AXXL uses X-Stream Technology, it is an extremely fast streaming architecture that enables high throughput of data—even when the WavePro oscilloscope is performing complex measurements. It does so by eliminating the trade-offs between long memory lengths and quick processing. Specifications. DC to 3 GHz Bandwidth, 4 input channels. Input impedance: 1 M ohm (approx. 15 pF), or 50 ohm ±1%. Trigger Sensitivity: 2 div p-p (DC to 3 GHz). Vertical Voltage axis sensitivity: 2 mV/div to 1 V/div. Horizontal Time axis accuracy: ±(0.01% + 500 ps). Rise Time: 150 ps. Sampling rate; Max: 20 GS/s, Per channel: 10 GS/s. Record length; Max: 100 M words, Per channel: 50 M words. Display, LCD: 10.4-inch TFT, color (800 x 600 pixels).