The Agilent E4438C ESG is a vector signal generator made to work with the newest generation of wireless communication systems. Frequency Range: 250 kHz to 1, 2 3, 4, and 6 GHz, depending on option, with a resolution of 0.01 Hz. Minimum frequency: 100 kHz, however performance is not gauranteed. Standard frequency switching speed with digital modulation on: <35 ms; modulation off: <9 ms. Sweep modes: frequency step, amplitude step and arbitrary list. Dwell time: 1 ms to 60 s with 2 to 401 points. Internal reference oscillator aging rate: <+/-1 ppm/yr. RF reference output frequency: 10 MHz; amplitude: 4 dBm +/-2 dB. RF reference input frequency: 1, 2, 5, 10 MHz +/-10 ppm; amplitude: -3.5 dBm to 20 dBm. Input impedance. Output power range at 250 kHz to 250 MHz: +11 to -136 dBm; >250 MHz to 1 GHz: +13 to -136 dBm; >1 to 3 GHz: +10 to -136 dBm; >3 to 4 GHz: +7 to -136 dBm; >4 to 6 GHz: N/A. Level resolution: 0.02 dB. Pulse modulation on/off ratio: <2.8 GHz: >80 dB; <=2.8 GHz: >64 dB. Rise/fall times: 150 ns. Minimum width with ALC on: 2 microseconds; with ALC off: 0.4 microseconds. Level accuracy: relative to CW at <=4 dBm standard, <=7.5 dBm Option UNB, <=4.5 dBm Option 506) <+/-1 dB. Internal analog modulation source waveforms: sine, square, ramp, triangle, pulse, noise. Rate range for sine waveforms: 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz; square, ramp, triangle: 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz. REsolution: 0.1 Hz. Frequency accuracy: same as RF reference source.