The HP 3325A Synthesizer/Function Generator is a high performance synthesizer with 11 digit resolution, a function generator with precision waveforms, a wideband sweeper, and a fully programmable systems instrument. Two 3325A units can be phase locked together for dual phase output applications. DC offset is capable of ± 4.5 VDC on the standard instrument. The high voltage option (Opt 002) allows AC voltages up to 40 Vpp and AC + DC up to ± 18 V Total (AC peak + DC). Ten storage registers can be programmed with ten different combinations of function / parameter settings from the front panel, stored and then recalled. The 3325A can display 11 digits of frequency and 4 digits of volts or millivolts from 1 mV to 10 volts peak to peak. Conversion to RMS or dBm is simple with the touch of a button. Specifications. Waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, negative and positive Ramps. Frequency Range: Sine: 1 uHz to 20.999999999 MHz; Square/ Triangle / ramps: 1 uHz to 10.999999999 MHz. Resolution: 1 uHz, < 100 kHz; 1 mHz >= 100 kHz. Impedance: 50 ohm. Amplitude Range: 1 mV to 10 V p-p in 8 amplitude ranges, 1-3-10 sequence (10 dB steps), into 50 ohm load. Amplitude Resolution: 0.03% of full range or 0.01 dB (4 digits). Sinewave Amplitude Accuracy: 1 mHz to 100 kHz: ± 0.1 dB, >= 3 Vpp; ± 0.2 dB, < 3 Vpp; 100 kHz to 20 MHz: ± 0.4 dB, >=3 Vpp; ± 0.6 dB, 0.1 to 3 Vpp. Sinewave Spectral Purity, Phase noise: -60 dB for a 30 kHz band centered on a 20 MHz carrier (excluding ± I Hz about the carrier) with high-stability option 001 installed. Options. Option 001, High Stability Frequency Reference. Option 002, High Voltage Output.