HP 3325B Synthesizer/Function Generator, frequency accuracy is determined by a precision frequency reference and output can be set with a resolution of 1?Hz. The phase of the output signal can be precisely controlled ±719.9° with 0.1° resolution, and multiple HP 3325Bs can be locked together for multi-phase applications. Option 001 High Stability Frequency Reference. Option 002 High Voltage Output. Waveforms: Sine, square, triangle, negative and positive ramps. Frequency Range; Sine: 1?Hz to 20.999 999 999 MHz, Square: 1?Hz to 10.999 999 999 MHz, Triangle/Ramps: 1?Hz to 10.999 999 999 kHz. Frequency Resolution: 1?Hz < 100kHz ; 1 mHz >= 100 kHz. Frequency Accuracy: ±5 x 10 -6, 20° to 30°C at time of calibration. Main Signal Output (all waveforms): Impedance: ohm. Amplitude Range: 1 mV to 10 V p-p in 8 amplitude ranges, 1-3-10 sequences (10 dB steps), into 50 ohm load. Amplitude Resolution: 0.03% of full range or 0.01 dB (4 digits). Amplitude Accuracy (without dc offset, relative to programmed amplitude and accuracy). Sine-wave Amplitude Accuracy: 1 MHz to 100 kHz: ±0.1 dB, >= 3V p-p; ±0.2 dB, < 3 V p-p (100 kHz to 20 MHz: ±0.4 dB, >= 3 V p-p; ±0.6 dB, 0.1 to 3 V p-p). Sine-wave Spectral Purity Phase Noise: -60 dB for a 30 kHz band centered on a 20 MHz carrier (excluding ±1 Hz about the carrier) with high-stability Option 001 installed. Sweep Time Linear: 0.01 s to 1000s. Modulation Source; Frequency Range: Sine 0.1 Hz to 10 kHz, square 0.1 Hz to 2 kHz. Frequency Accuracy: 0.1%, typical. Impedance: Drives 10 k ohm or greater load. Sine-wave Purity: -34 dBc or better, typical. Waveforms: Sine, square, arbitrary