The HP 3561A Dynamic Signal Analyzer provides 80 dB dynamic range with ± 0.15 dB amplitude accuracy. It's set of measurement functions lets you approach problems from several different angles. Spectra can be displayed in a variety of formats and units, including a three·dimensional spectral map. This map displays up to 60 successive spectra and is extremely useful for analyzing transients and monitoring dynamic signals in both electronic and mechanical systems. The HP 3561A also displays time waveforms, and you can observe a signal in both the time and frequency domains simultaneously. Specifications. Frequency Range: 0.000125 Hz to 100 kHz. Frequency Accuracy: ± 0.003% of display center frequency. Frequency Resolution: 0.25% of frequency span. Window: flat top, Hann, uniform, and exponential. Real-time bandwidth: (typical) single display, 3 kHz. Fast average display, 7.5 kHz. Amplitude Measurement range: +27 to -120 dBV noise floor (22.4 Vrms to 1 uV noise floor). Amplitude Dynamic range: 80 dB. Accuracy at the passband center: ±0.15 dB ± .015% of input range +27 to -40 dBV input ranges, ±0.25 dB ±.025% of input range -41 to -51 dBV input ranges. Input. Impedance: 1 x 10^6 ± 5% shunted by 95 pF maximum. Isolation: input low may be connected to chassis ground or floated up to 30 volts rms (42 volts peak) above ground. Coupling: signal may be ac or dc coupled. Low frequency 3-dB point < 1 Hz in ac mode. ICP current: nominal 4 rnA current source provided. Output Source: pseudo· random, random, or impulse. Opt 001 Extended Non·volatile Memory.