The HP 37702A combines Tl, fractional Tl (FT1), DDS, and datacom testing in one small, light, and portable tester. A built-in multiplexer allows internal test patterns/tones, or external tones or data (up to 384 kb/s) to be inserted into, or extracted from, individual timeslots or subrate channels. Measurements range from simple BER tests to full error analysis, as well as signal measurements such as level, pulse shape, and slips. Full transmit, receive and through capability. Interfaces: Tl (D4, ESF), DS0-A, RS-232, RS-449, and V.35. DDS: Access points: 64 kb/s or from within Tl. DSO timing: Bit/byte or composite clock. Testing: Meets TS-TSY-000476 (TA55)