The HP 37719A Communications Performance Analyzer offers SONET testing to OC-48 including OC-48c payloads. Rugged and portable, this single-unit solution is ideal for installation, maintenance and manufacturing of SONET networks and network elements. It provides full T-carrier capability and SONET capability. Plus it has a large color display, optional graphics printer, and integral 3.5 inch disk drive for results storage/retrieval and firmware upgrades. The HP 37719A provides a single set of multi-rate optical interfaces covering SONET BER and jitter testing at 52 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s, 622 Mb/s and 2.5 Gb/s (OC-1 through to OC-48). In addition, it provides full GR.253 mapping support including concatenated payloads at OC-3c, OC-12c and OC-48c. Optical 1310 nm and 1550 nm interfaces are supported as well as electrical interfaces at 52 Mb/s and 155 Mb/s. Key measurements supported are SONET error/alarm generation, APS times, mixed payloads generation/detection, pointer sequence generation, overhead sequence generation and detection. The instrument supports full mux/demux from 2.5 Gb/s to n x 64 or n x 56 kb/s. The user interface provides error and alarm stored measurement graphics, pointer graphs, in-service alarm/BIP scan and out-of-service tributary scan. T-carrier interfaces are supported at rates of DS1, DS3, E1 and E3. Full mux/demux is available, as is DSn error/alarm generation and detection. Jitter generation/measurement is available from 2.5 Gb/s through 622/155/52 Mb/s to T-carrier rates from DS3/E3 to DS1/E1. Automatic jitter tolerance and automatic narrowband jitter transfer testing is available to GR.253 for SONET network elements. Transient pointer jitter measurements and SONET line rate jitter to GR.253 with RMS and peak-to-peak jitter measurements are supported, as are wander measurements at all rates. ATM cell capability is provided up to 622 Mb/s (OC-12c) with mux/demux up to 2.5 Gb/s. Full access to ATM cell header, payload test patterns and alarm/error generation is provided.