The HP 37732A Telecom/Datacom Analyzer provides testing at V.24, V.35, V.11/X.21-leased interfaces at rates up to 2 Mb/s. It also provides a full range of BER/BLER measurements; control-circuit timing analysis with transitions diagrams on the screen; a built-in V.24 breakout box; and an internal synthesizer. It offers 80 days' results storage in text and graphic form. Datacom Interfaces: V.24, V.35, V.11/X.21-leased. Data Rates: 50 b/s to 2.048 Mb/s (synchronous: built-in synthesizer); 50 b/s to 19.2 kb/s (asynchronous). V.24 Breakout: Patch points, monitors, voltage sources, and switches V.11/V.35: Activity indicators on data, clock, and control circuits Test Patterns: 63-bit, 511-bit, 2047-bit, 2^15 -1, 2^20-1, all 1s, all 0s, 3 to 16-bit user-definable word, FOX word. Measurements: Errors, BER, blocks, block-errors, BLER, error seconds, % EFS, Tx and Rx frequency, alarm seconds, clock slips, alarms, G.821 analysis. Control-Circuit Timing: Measures times between selectable start/stop events; timing range 100 ms, 1s, 10s. Transition Diagrams: For RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and DCD.