The HP 37741A is a handheld T1 test set with all the features normally found only in larger instruments. It is easy to use, with full T1 transmit and receive capability, compatibility with all frame formats, and a built-in monitor speaker. It is used for installation and maintenance of T1 circuits in telephone operating companies, but also has features such as CSU emulation and code frame format conversion that will appeal to manufacturers. Line Measurements: Level, frequency, simplex current, code errors, slips, excess zeros, ones density, loopback detect. Path Measurements: Signal loss, AIS, frame loss, pattern loss, yellow alarm; frame, CRC, bit, G.821 errors; COFA, OOF; signaling bits, peak codes. Transmitter Frame format: D4, ESF, ZBTSI, SLC-96, D1D, D2, unframed. Transmitter Line codes: AMI, B8ZS. Transmitter Test patterns: 2^15 -1, 2^20 -1, ORW, 2^23 --1, all ones, all zeros, 1010 ... , 1 in 8, 2 in 8, 3 in 24. Transmitter Loop codes, CSU, NI, and payload loop-up and loop-down. Transmitter Thru mode: Retransmits signal with or without change of framing coding, alarm status, or payload.