Keysight (Agilent) 3780A CALIBRATION and Keysight (Agilent) 3780A REPAIR

A calibration by Custom-Cal is performed by engineers with extensive OEM experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to perform the Keysight (Agilent) 3780A Calibration, onsite calibration may be available. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.

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   Keysight (Agilent) 3780A   Description / Specification:    
Keysight (Agilent) 3780A Pattern Generator/Error Detector

The HP 3780A Pattern Generator/Error Detector is a comprehensive error measuring set in one portable package for use in manufacturing, field trials, commissioning and maintenance of digital transmission terminal and link equipment. The instrument measures binary errors and code errors in digital transmission equipment operating at rates between 1 kb/s and 50 Mb/s. Frequency offset generation and measurement are provided at the standard PCM/TDM transmission rates. A range of standard PRBS test patterns and automatic pattern recognition/synchronisation are provided for simple performance checks. It also has flexible WORD generation and zero substitution to explore regenerator timing recovery performance and detect systematic errors. Binary clock and data or ternary coded data interfaces can be selected with automatic equalisation at 2, 8 and 34 Mb/ s on the receiver. Results are displayed as error COUNT or BER over a range of gating periods, and can be logged or presented graphically on an external printer. Option 232: RS-232 printer port replaces BCD printer and plotter outputs. Option 100: internal fixed rates of 2048, 8448 & 34368 kb/s; HDB3/HDB2 ternary coding. Option 101: internal fixed rates of 1544, 6312 & 44736 kb/s; B6ZS/ B3ZS ternary coding. Option 102: internal fixed rates of 1544, 6312 & 3152 kb/s; B6ZS/ B3ZS ternary coding. Option 103: internal fixed rates of 2048, 8448 & 34368 kb/s; 2^23 -1 PRBS replaces 2^9 -1; HDB3 ternary coding. Option 104: as option 103 but with Siemens 1.6 mm connectors.


Standard Calibration $915.00 *
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*This is a Web introductory price for one calibration of the Keysight (Agilent) 3780A. Price does not in most cases include measurement performance data. Pricing does include NIST traceable calibration and issue of a calibration certificate and calibration label. Pricing may vary slightly due to volume and location of laboratory supporting calibration. Volume pricing may apply. On-site fees may apply depending on logistics, location and volume of work to be completed during the visit.

Related Communication Terms and Definitions. For a complete list go to our  Terms and Definitions Page.

Extinction Ratio
Extinction ratio is the ratio of two optical power levels, of a digital signal generated by an optical source, where P1 is the optical power level generated when the light source is "on," and P0 is the power level generated when the light source is "off." The extinction ratio may be expressed as a fraction, in dB, or as a percentage. Extinction ratio = P1/P0

A receiver is a detector and electronic circuitry to change optical signals into electrical signals.

Telecom Bands
Optical fiber communications typically operate in a wavelength region corresponding to one of the following Bands. O Band (original): 1260–1360 nm. E Band (extended): 1360–1460 nm. S Band (short wavelengths): 1460–1530 nm. C Band (conventional): 1530–1565 nm. L Band (long wavelengths): 1565–1625 nm. U Band (ultralong wavelengths): 1625–1675 nm

Please contact us for your Keysight (Agilent) 3780A CALIBRATION and/or Keysight (Agilent) 3780A Pattern Generator/Error Detector REPAIR

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