The HP 3787B Digital Data Test Set is a Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) designed for use on TI leased , Digital Data System (DDS), 56 kbit/s switched and Packet Switched services transmission line and multiplexing equipment. Digital data circuits are sold with a guaranteed Quality-of-Service (eg DDS circuits offer >99.5% Error Free Seconds in a 24 hour period and 99.95% Availability). To maintain this high quality of service, Service Providers need test equipment that will provide in-service network monitoring and fast out-of-service testing. Operating Frequency: DS0 (64kbit/ s), DSI (1.544Mbit/ s) , DS1C (3 .l52Mbit/ s). Framing: DS1 (SF, ESF, T1DM and Ft only), DS1C and DS0B. Line Code: B8ZS, AM1. Error Types: Logic (Binary) , Bipolar Violations, Frame Word, CRC-6 Word. Error Results: Error Count, Error Ratio, Error Seconds, Error Free Seconds, % Error Free Seconds. Error Analysis: % Availability, % Unavailability, % Severely Errored Seconds, % Error Seconds, % Degraded Minutes, Count Consecutive SES, Count SES, Count ES, Count Deg Min. Alarm Seconds: Instrument Power Loss Seconds, Signal Loss Seconds, A1S Seconds, Frame Loss Seconds (ie DS1C, DS1 or DS0B), Test Pattern Loss Seconds. Frame Slips (Controlled): Duplicated frames are indicated as positive frame slips. Deleted frames are indicated as negative frame slips.