The HP 4140B pA meter/dc voltage source is part of component-measurement instrumentation. It consists of an extremely stable picoampere meter and two programmable de voltage sources, one of which operates as a ramp and staircase generator as well as a dc source. It is ideal for making dc-characteristic measurements such as leakage current, current-voltage characteristics, and quasi-static C-V measurements. Specifications. Measurement Functions: I, I-V, and C-V. Voltage Sources: Two separate sources (Va and Vb). Va: ± 100 V programmable source/function generator, Vb: ± 100 V programmable dc voltage source. Voltage Sweep: Auto or manual (pause). Current Measurements. Displays: Current, 3 1/2, digits with 2-character annunciator. Voltage, 3 1/2, digits. Measurement range: ± 0.001 x 10 ^-12 A to 1.000 x 10 ^-2 A full scale in 11 ranges. Overrange capability: 99.9% on all ranges. Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Measurement. Measurement ranges: 0.0 pF to 100.0 pF and 200 pF to 1000 pF full scale in 2 ranges; 99.9% overrange. Ranging: Auto. %C: Capacitance change of device under test is displayed as a percent of the set value of the oxide capacitance (Cox = 100%). %C range: 0.0% to 199.9%. DC Voltage Sources. Voltage Ranges (Va and Vb): 0 to ± 10.00 V and 0 to ± 100.0 V in 2 ranges, auto range only. Maximum Current: 10 rnA, both sources. Voltage Sweep: Auto and manual (pause), up/down step in manual (pause) mode. Sweep abort standard. Accuracy (at 23° C ±5° C). Output voltage: ± 10 V, ± (0.07% + 11 mV); ± 100 V, ± (0.09% + 110 mV). Linearity: Typically 0.5%, 0 to ± 10 V; < 5 %, > 10 V. Analog Output I, C and VA. Accuracy: ± (0.5% + 20 m V). Low-Pass Filter: 3 position: OFF, 0.22 s ± 20% and 1 s ± 20% applied to both VA and IIC data outputs. HP-IB Interface