The Agilent E5281B is a Medium Power Source/Measurement Unit (MPSMU) Source meter occupies one slot that works with the E5270B Parametric Measurement System Mainframe, 8-Slot. Source meter instruments are a type of electronic test equipment that measures and logs precise voltage and current data. Source meters collect information with high accuracy, ideal for current-voltage (I-V) characterization, semiconductor testing, and testing devices with both positive and negative current source values. Specifications.
Measure resolution voltage range, resolution, and accuracy. Range, Force resolution, High speed ADC, High resolution ADC, Force accuracy. ±0.5 V, 25 μV, 25 μV, 0.5 μV, ±(0.03 % + 350 μV). ±2 V, 100 μV, 100 μV, 2 μV, ±(0.03 % + 900 μV). ±5 V, 250 μV, 250 μV, 5 μV, ±(0.03 % + 2 mV). ±20 V, 1 mV, 1 mV, 20 μV, ±(0.03 % + 4 mV). ±40 V, 2 mV, 2 mV, 40 μV, ±(0.03 % + 7 mV). ±100 V, 5 mV, 5 mV, 100 μV, ±(0.04 % + 15 mV).
Measure accuracy voltage range, resolution, and accuracy. Range, High speed ADC, High resolution ADC, Maximum current. ±0.5 V, ±(0.03 % + 250 μV), ±(0.02 % + 250 μV), 100 mA. ±2 V, ±(0.03 % + 700 μV), ±(0.02 % + 700 μV), 100 mA. ±5 V, ±(0.03 % + 2 mV), ±(0.02 % + 1 mV), 100 mA. ±20 V, ±(0.03 % + 4 mV), ±(0.02 % + 2 mV), 100 mA. ±40 V, ±(0.03 % + 8 mV), ±(0.02 % + 3 mV), 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V). ±100 V, ±(0.03 % + 20 mV), ±(0.03 % + 5 mV), 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V), 20 mA (40 V < Vo ≤ 100 V).
Current range, resolution, and accuracy. Range, Force resolution, High speed ADC, High resolution ADC, Force accuracy, Measure accuracy, Max. voltage. ±1 nA, 50 fA, 50 fA, 10 fA, ±(0.5 %+3 pA+2 fA x Vo), ±(0.5 %+3 pA+2 fA x Vo), 100 V. ±10 nA, 500 fA, 500 fA, 10 fA, ±(0.5 %+7 pA+20 fA x Vo), ±(0.5 %+5 pA+20 fA x Vo), 100 V. ±100 nA, 5 pA, 5 pA, 100 fA, ±(0.12 %+50 pA+200 fA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+30 pA+200 fA x Vo), 100 V. ±1 μA, 50 pA, 50 pA, 1 pA, ±(0.12 %+400 pA+2 pA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+200 pA+2 pA x Vo), 100 V. ±10 μA, 500 pA, 500 pA, 10 pA, ±(0.12 %+5 nA+20 pA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+3 nA+20 pA x Vo), 100 V. ±100 μA, 5 nA, 5 nA, 100 pA, ±(0.12 %+40 nA+200 pA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+20 nA+200 pA x Vo), 100 V. ±1 mA, 50 nA, 50 nA, 1 nA, ±(0.12 %+500 nA+2 nA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+300 nA+2 nA x Vo), 100 V. ±10 mA, 500 nA, 500 nA, 10 nA, ±(0.12 %+4 μA+20 nA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+2 μA+20 nA x Vo), 100 V. ±100 mA, 5 μA, 5 μA, 100 nA, ±(0.12 %+50 μA+200 nA x Vo), ±(0.1 %+30 μA+200 nA x Vo), 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V), 20 mA (40 V < Vo ≤ 100 V).