The HP Model 5325B Universal Counter measures frequencies from 0 to 20 MHz, periodaverage up to 10^8, the ratio of two frequencies, and the time interval between any two events over the range of 0.1 microseconds to 10^8 seconds. The counter features solid state design using integrated circuits. Other features are: true buffer storage which provides digital recorder information during the gate time, blanking of insignificant digits in the display, remote programming, decade scaling up to 10^8, display overflow indicator, 100 microsecond maximum sample rate, oscilloscope marker output, and four-line BCD output (+8421) for use with digital recorder. The 5325B will measure speed, flow rate, and other phenomena when used with appropriate transducers. It can simplify design, test, and calibration of filters oscillators, scalers and other devices that require critical frequency or time interval measurement in their manufacture or maintenance.