The HP 5327A is a frequency counter that has a variety of functions. It has a high-sensitivity, 50-ohm amplifier in place of the prescaler. The instrument measures frequency, period, period average, time interval, time interval average, and ratio. Two independent input channels are provided for time interval measurements. The 5327A counter is particularly adaptable to timing measurements such as pulse width, pulse repetition frequency, and propogation delay. It's frequency ranges are 0-50 MHz for dc coupled channels A and B and 20-50 MHz for ac coupled channels A and B. For channel C, the range is 1-50 MHz for ac coupled, and 0-550 MHz for dc coupled. Impedence for input channels A and B is 1 M-Ohm shunted by less than 25 pF and for channel C is 50O nominal. The 5327A also features prescaler assembly (not featured in the HP 5326A)