The HP 5328A is a Universal Electonic counter. The 5328A, thru the use of the latest technology (such as a ROM controlled measurement cycle) and a modular design, provides you with the optimum in universal counter price/performance. Optional modules allow you to tailor the performance of the 5328A to meet your particular measurement needs. In many instances, however, the standard 5328A offers all the capability you’re ever likely to need. Burst and CW measurements to 100 MHz: special gating circuits start a measurement only when the input signal is present, allowing burst frequencies to be measured as easily as CW signals. The option 030 channel C extends this capability to 512 MHz; option 031, to 1300 MHz. Single shot time interval measurements: the standard universal module's 100 ns single shot resolution meets or exceeds the requirements for a wide range of applications such as mechanical and electromechanical device timing (relays), time of flight measurements (ballistics), sonar ranging, radio ranging and navigation Time interval averaging: resolution better than 10 ps (10 ^-11 seconds) for repetitive time intervals as short as 100 ps. Period, period average, ratio, totalize, scale: extra problem solving power for your special requirements. High performance marker outputs: marker outputs (operational to 100 MHz) indicate where channel is triggering in real time for oscilloscope monitoring applications. Provides measurement feedback to the operator for greatly simplified measurement set-ups. Option Descriptions: Opt 010; High Stability Time Base. Opt 011; HP Interface Bus for Systems Use. Opt 020; DVM with single-ended input. Opt 021; High Performance DVM with floating input. Opt 030; 512 MHz Channel C. Opt 031; 1300 MHz Channel C. Opt 040: High Performance Universal Module. Opt 041: Programmable Input Controls Module.