The HP 5340A Frequency Counter provides a modern, easily used, more versatile instrument for the direct measurement of frequencies from 10 Hz through 18 GHz via a single input connector. Utilizing new microwave samplers incorporated in advanced phase-lock loops, this counter excels in virtually every specific; therefore suited to a wider range of application than ever before possible for a fully automatic microwave counter. The exceptional sensitivity of this instrumement in the microwave field, where signals are commonly low level and many times are connected via directional couplers or lossy devices. Wide tolerance of AM, FM, and residual noise insure accurate measurement of microwave carrier frequencies despite the presence of these deviations. Automatic amplitude discrimination allows the 5340A to choose the largest signal in a spectrum (250 MHz to 18 GHz) and measure only that signal's frequency, ignoring all others. Access to the HP Interface Bus via Option 011 provides a particularly flexible systems interface. The ability to program octave range via this input allows reduction of acquisition time to typically less than 25 msec. Application Note 181-1 describes the use of a calculator controlled measurement system built around the HP Interface Bus for microwave component testing.