The HP 54501A is a 100 MHz, 4 channel digitizing oscilloscope designed primarily for repetitive signal applications. It has all of the digitizing advantages of oscilloscopes much higher in price. Ease of use and general purpose features such as TV trigger, dual-time-base windowing, advanced logic triggering, automatic measurements and full HP-IB programmability make it a powerful tool for both manual and automated test applications. Specifications. Bandwidth Repetitive: 100 MHz. Bandwidth Single-shot: 1 MHz. Time Interval accuracy Repetitive: 1 ns. Time Interval accuracy Single-shot: 1 ns. Channels: 4 (2+2). Digitizing rate: 10 MSa/s. Vertical resolution: 8 bits, 10 bits with averaging. Input voltage ranges: continuously variable 40 mV-40 V full scale. Input coupling: 1 Mohm, 50 ohm, ac, dc, internal. Waveform storage: 2 pixel, 4 waveforms.