The HP 54602A four-channel oscilloscope provides powerful digital features, such as pre-trigger viewing, waveform storage, and measurement automation. It captures repetitive signals at up to 10 GSa/sec (single shot phenomena at up to 20 MSa/sec) giving a clear and accurate display of the most troublesome signals. The display update rate of over one million points per second provides a display with unprecedented interactivity. Specifications. Bandwidth ( -3dB): dc to 150 MHz. Channels: 4. Input voltage ranges Channels 1 and 2: 2 mV/div to 5 V/div. Input voltage ranges Channels 3 and 4: 0.1 and 0.5 V/div. Accuracy: ± 1.5%. Vernier accuracy: Fully calibrated ± 3%. Rise time <3.5 ns (calculated). Coupling: dc. ac, and ground. Maximum input: 400 V (dc + peak ac). Sweep speeds, main and delayed: 5 s/div to 2 ns/div/1 ns/div. Accuracy: ± 0.01%. Resolution: 100 ps. Vernier accuracy: ± 0.05%. Trigger Sensitivity all channels: dc to 25 MHz, 0.35 div or 3.5 mV. Max sample rate: 10/GSa/s for repetitive signals, 20 MSa/s single shot. Record length: 4,000 points (2,000 points single shot). Max update rate: 1,000,000 points/s. Opt 005 Enhanced Video Trigger