The HP 54615B two-channel oscilloscope provides powerful digital features, such as pre-trigger viewing, waveform storage, and measurement automation. It captures repetitive signals at up to 10 GSa/sec (single shot phenomena at up to 20 MSa/sec) giving a clear and accurate display of the most troublesome signals. The display update rate of over one and a half million points per second provides a display with unprecedented interactivity. Bright, crisp displays for the most demanding signals at all sweep speeds and delayed sweep magnifications. Storage for glitch and transient analys is is as simple as pressing a button. Pretrigger viewing lets you view even ts that an analog scope would miss. Specifications. Bandwidth: dc to 500 MHz. Channels: 2. Sensitivity (per division): 2 mV/div to 5 V/div. Accuracy: ± 2%. Vernier accuracy: ± 2%. Rise time 700 ps (calculated). Input R & C: 1 M-ohm, = 9 pf. Maximum input dc + peak ac: 250 V or 5 VRMS in 50 ohm mode. Sweep speed: 5 s/div to 1 ns/div. Accuracy: ± 0.005%. Resolution: 25 ps. Max sample rate: 1 GSa/s. Record length (pts vectors off/on): 5,000/2,000. Trigger Sensitivity all channels: dc to 100 MHz, 0.5 div or 3.5 mV. Opt 005 Enhanced Video Trigger.