The Agilent 54751A plug-in offers two 20 GHz bandwidth channels. The two-wide configuration allows up to four channels in the HP 54750A mainframe. The bandwidth of each channel may be selected independently from the channel menu as either 20 GHz or 12.4 GHz. The bandwidth of the channel is altered by changing the bias on the sampling bridge. The low-noise characteristic of the plug-in gives an RMS noise level of < 1.0 mV in the high-bandwidth mode and < 0.5 mV in the low-bandwidth mode. With exceptionally low noise and a minimum sensitivity of 1 mV/div, the HP 54751A is ideally suited for evaluation of low-level signals. The plug-in provides a single external trigger input of 2.5 GHz or 12 GHz bandwidth. Triggering to 18 GHz is possible by using the HP 54118A. Specifications with 54750A. DC-coupled bandwidth (–3dB): High bandwidth Channel 1 & 2, 20 GHz. DC-coupled bandwidth (–3dB): Low bandwidth Channel 1 & 2, 12.4 GHz. Rise time (calculated): High bandwidth Channel 1 & 2, <= 17.5 ps. Rise time (calculated): Low bandwidth Channel 1 & 2, <= 28.2 ps. Noise (RMS) High bw: <= 1 mV. Noise (RMS) Low bw: <= 0.5 mV. DC accuracy (single voltage marker): 0.4% of full-scale or marker reading (whichever is greater) ± 2 mV ± 1.2% of (reading-channel offset). Dynamic range: ± 400 mV relative to channel offset. Connectors: 3.5 mm.