The HP 54754A 2 Ch Differential TDR Plug-in Module has two independent vertical channels and two step generators it is used with 86100 Infiniium DCA. The bandwidth of both channels is 18 GHz. The step generators may be operated singly, simultaneously but independently, differentially, or as common-mode stimulus. The TDR results may be viewed as common mode or differentially and displayed simultaneously. Once selected, the display mode is computed automatically, freeing the user from setting up mathematical functions. Each step may be skewed separately in time. Coupled with the ability to skew the vertical channels, it is possible to accurately perform differential TDR when the launch cables are not the same electrical length. Specifications. Electrical Channel Bandwidth:12.4 and 18 GHz. Transition Time (10% to 90%, calculated from TR = 0.35/BW): 28.2 ps (12.4 GHz); 19.4 ps (18 GHz). RMS Noise Characteristic 0.25 mV (12.4 GHz); 0.5 mV (18 GHz). RMS Noise Maximum 0.5 mv (12.4 GHz); 1 mV (18 GHz). Scale Factor Minimum: 1 mV/division. Scale Factor Maximum: 100 mV/division. DC Accuracy (single marker): ±0.4% of full scale or marker reading (whichever is greater) ±2 mV ±1.2% of (reading-channel offset). CW Offset Range (referenced from center of screen): ±500 mV. Input Dynamic Range (relative to channel offset): ±400 mV. Maximum Input Signal: ±2 V (+16 dBm). Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm. Reflections (for 30 ps rise time): 5%. Electrical Input: 3.5 mm (male).