The HP 6060A 300 Watt Single Input Electronic Load is designed for test, evaluation, and burn-in of DC power supplies, batteries, and power components. It is suita ble for applications in areas such as R&D, production test, and field repair. The built-in HP-IB interface further simplifies system integration and allows control and read back of all load functions. The features and instruction set of the HP 6060A Single Input Load are compatible with the HP 6050A and HP 6051A mainframe load products. The front panel LCD meters indicate voltage, current, and power readings. Connection to the load is made at the rear panel; front panel binding posts are available as an option. Specifications. Modes: Constant current (CC) , constant voltage (CV), and constant resistance (CR). DC Input Ratings: 0-60 A, 3-60 V, (current derated from 0-3 volts) power limited to 300 W at 40 C (225 watts at 55 C). Programmable ranges CC mode: 0-6 A, 0-60 A. Programmable ranges CR mode: 0.033 -1 .0 ohm, 1-1000 ohms, 10-10,000 ohms. Programming Accuracy: ±0.1 % ± 65ma (in 60A CC range). Programming Resolution: 16mA (in 60A CC range). Readback Resolution: 16 mA, 16 mV. Readback Accuracy: 0.05% ±65 mA, 0.05% ± 45 mV. Buill-in pulse waveform generation: Frequency (0 .25 Hz - 10kHz); Duty cycle (6- 94%); Slew rate (1.0 A/ mS to 5 A/ uS) in 60 A range. Analog programming bandwidth in CC mode: 10kHz. Programmable electronic short: 33 milliohms (20 mohms typical). Programmable electronic open: 20 k ohms (typical). Opt 020, Front Panel Binding Posts.