The HP 70908A 100 Hz to 22 GHz RF section for the HP 70000 modular measurement system (MMS)(2/8-width module) provides fundamentally mixed 100 Hz to 22 GHz broadband input conversion. Fundamental mixing provides a means of achieving unprecedented sensitivity for microwave measurements and for high speed lightwave modulation rates. This sensitivity allows you to reduce microwave spurious test times from days to hours. Improved sensitivity also improves second and third order dynamic range. Excellent dynamic range is obtained with an analyzer that has both good sensitivity and good distortion performance (TOI and SOl). These principles apply to all analyzers and testers that contain this module. The HP 70908A also contains a 70 dB step attenuator variable in 10 dB steps. Option H25 provides a 5 dB step attenuator. Specifications. RF Input: Type-N (f), front panel, 50 ohm (nominal). LO emissions: < -100 dBm low band (0 to 2.9 GHz) (10 dB attn), < -50 dBm high band (2.7 to 22 GHz). Bandwidth: >15 MHz. Amplitude level: -15 dBm for -10 dBm input to mixer (nominal). First LO auxiliary out: SMA (f), rear panel, 50 ohm (nominal); VSWR (>= 10 dB attn) < 3:1. Frequency range: 3.0 to 6.6 GHz. Power range: +5 to 10 dBm. Option 098, controller board upgrade kit. Option 099, RAM/ROM upgrade kit.