The Agilent 83480A Digital Communications Analyzer is a modular platform that accepts up to two plug-in modules. It provides fast, repeatable waveform performance analysis with automated pulse and eye-diagram statistical measurements. Optical or electrical conformance tests to both user-defined and industry standard eye-diagram masks or pulse templates are easily executed. Horizontal system: Scale factor full scale is ten divisions: 10 ps/div (min), 1 s/div (max). Delay Time offset relative to trigger: 22 ns (min), 1000 screen diameters or 10 s, whichever is smaller (max). Time interval accuracy: <= 8 ps +/-0.1% of reading (dual marker measurement). Time interval resolution: (screen diameter)/(record length) or 62.5 fs, whichever is larger. Time display resolution: 451 points horizontally. Trigger bandwidth: dc - 2.5 GHz, (2.0 GHz - 12 GHz, option 100). Sensitivity: 40 mV p-p at 100 MHz, increasing linearly to 200 mV p-p at 2.5 GHz (200 mV p-p from 2.0 GHz to 12 GHz (sine wave input) option 100). Pulse width: 200 ps >200 mV. Bandwidth limit: Trigger bandwidth reduced to approximately 100 MHz with bandwidth limit enabled. Maximum trigger signal: +/-2 Vdc + ac peak (+16 dBm). Jitter: <= 2.5 ps rms + 5E-5 x delay setting (at 2.5 GHz with 200 mV source), (< 2 ps rms with time delay less than 100 ns, option 100).