The HP 83622B Synthesized Swept-Signal Generator, combines excellent frequency resolution, level control, signal purity, and modulation capabilities you expect of a high-performance synthesized signal generator with the speed and convenience of a sweep oscillator. They are ideal for the demanding requirements of signal simulation, local oscillator, and stimulus/ response component or subsystem test applications. High-performance pulse modulators with >80 dB on/off ratio, and rise/ fall times < 10 ns (Option 006), make the HP 83622B suitable for the most demanding pulse modulation applications. In addition to its linear AM mode (100%/V), the HP 83622B offers a scan modulation mode (10 dB/V). Both modes have dc-coupled amplitude modulation capability with a 3 dB bandwidth of 100 kHz, and 99.7% (50 dB) of modulation depth. Pulse and amplitude modulation capabilities can be used independently and simultaneously. The HP 83622B also offers dc-coupled frequency modulation capabilities with rates up to 8 MHz. Specifications. Frequency Range: 2 GHz to 20 GHz. Resolution: 1 kHz (Option 008 1 Hz). Internal 10 MHz Time Base. Aging Rate: 5 x 10^-10/day, 1 x 10^-7/year. Output Power, Maximum Leveled: +13 dBm. Minimum Settable Output Power; Standard: -20 dBm, Option 001; -110 dBm. Resolution: 0.02 dB. Modulation; Pulse: On/Off Ratio 80 dB. Rise/Fall Times 25 ns. Minimum Width Internally Leveled 1 µs. AM and Scan; Bandwidth: (3 dB, 30% depth, modulation peaks 3 dB below maximum rated power): DC to 100 kHz. Modulation Depth: Normal Mode: –20 dBm to maximum available power. Options. Opt 001: Adds Step Attenuator. Opt 002: Adds Internal Modulation Generator. Opt 004: Rear-Panel RF Output. Opt 006: Fast-Pulse Modulation. Opt 008: 1 Hz Frequency Resolution. Opt 700: MATE System Compatibility.