The HP 83732B Synthesized Signal Generator has fundamental oscillators and switched low-pass filters deliver < - 55 dBc harmonics, eliminate subharmonics, and suppress spurious to < - 60 dBc. These signal sources provide plenty of output power (typically > + 14 dBm), while spectral purity is maintained even at high power levels (typical output power at frequencies below 1 GHz is + 20 dBm). These signal sources deliver >100 dB dynamic range. Level resolution is 0.01 dB with typical accuracy of ± 1.0 dB at any frequency or power level. User Level Correction simplifies generating accurate, leveled power at distant test ports. Test radar and EW receivers with high-fidelity pulse modulation. < 10 ns pulse rise/fall times, < 25 ns pulse width, and > 80 dB pulse on/off ratios. In addition, logarithmic and linear AM is a standard feature. The HP 83732B signal source is the recommended local oscillator for the HP 8970B noise figure meter. Low broadband noise minimizes errors in measurements of low gain devices. Use these signal sources with the HP 83550 series millimeter-wave modules to generate signals to 110 GHz. All front-panel functions are completely HP-IB-programmable and SCPI-compatible. Specifications. Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 20 GHz. Frequency Resolution: 1 kHz, 1 Hz with Opt 1E8. Output Power (with Option 1E1): 0.01 to 1 GHz (+13 dBm), 1 to 18 GHz (+10 dBm), 18 to 20 GHz (+8 dBm). Resolution: 0.01 dB. Accuracy (-4 dBm to maximum specified leveled output power): 10 MHz to 50 MHz, ±1.3 dB; 50 MHz to 20 GHz, ±1.0 dB. Harmonics: < -55 dBc (at levels < +6 dBm). Sub-Harmonics: None. Non-Harmonic Spurious (>3 kHz): -60 dBc. Pulse Modulation On/Off Ratio: >80 dB. Rise/Fall Times: <10 ns. Minimum Pulse Width: <25 ns, 1 to 20 GHz. Options. Opt 1E1: Add 110 dB Output Step Attenuator. Opt 1E2: Add High-Performance Modulation Generator. Opt 1E5: Add High-Stability Timebase. Opt 1E8: Add 1 Hz Frequency Resolution. Opt 1E9: 3.5 mm RF Output Connector. Opt 800: Add Analog Phase Modulation.