The HP 8509A lightwave polarization analyzer system completely measures and displays, in real time, the polarization of light and polarization -transforming properties of components used in coherent applications, sensor systems, and lightwave transmission systems. Receiver Characteristics. Wavelength operating range: 1200 to 1600 nm. Input power operating range: +10 to -55 dBm. Input average power damage level: +16 dBm. Average power measurement uncertainty: ±15%. Degree of polarization measurement uncertainty: 1200 to 1280 nm, ±5.0%; 1280 to 1340 nm, ±2.0%; 1470 to 1580 nm, ±2.0%; 1580 to 1600 nm, ±3.0%. Measurement rate: >2000 per second. Options. 011 - Diamond HMS-10/HP Connectors. 012 - FC/PC Connectors. 013 - DIN 47256 Connectors. 014 - ST Connectors. 015 - Biconic Connectors.