Keysight (Agilent) 8564E REPAIR and Keysight (Agilent) 8564E CALIBRATION

Custom-Cal has a high success rate in the repair of the Keysight (Agilent) 8564E. A calibration by Custom-Cal is performed by engineers with extensive OEM experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to perform the Keysight (Agilent) 8564E Calibration, onsite calibration may be available. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.

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   Keysight (Agilent) 8564E   Description / Specification:   Spec Sheet 
Keysight (Agilent) 8564E 40 GHz RF Spectrum Analyzer

The Agilent 8564E, 9 kHz to 40 GHz; 30 Hz to 40 GHz (Option 006), Portable Spectrum Analyzer. Frequency accuracy: ± 1 kHz (CF = 10 GHz). Frequency Span Range: 0 Hz, 100 Hz to maximum frequency. Frequency Readout Accuracy Span >2 MHz x N: ± (freq. readout x freq. ref. accuracy +5% x span +15% x RBW +10 Hz). Frequency Readout Accuracy Span =2 MHz x N: ± (freq. readout x freq. ref. accuracy +1% x span +15% x RBW +10 Hz). Sweep Time Range: Span = 0 Hz: 50 µs to 6,000 s; Span =100 Hz: 50 ms to 100 ks. Resolution bandwidth range: 1 kHz to 2 MHz. Resolution bandwidth Accuracy: 1 Hz to 300 kHz: ±10%; 1 MHz: ±25%; 2 MHz: +50%, -25%. Video Bandwidth Range: 1 Hz to 3 MHz in a 1, 3, 10 sequence. Amplitude Range: Displayed average noise level to +30 dBm. Average noise level (narrowest RBW): -143 dBm. Optimum dynamic range 2nd/3rd order: 117 dB / 100 dB. Amplitude accuracy: ± 3dB. Options: 001, Second IF Output (310.7 MHz). 005, Alternate Sweep Out (cannot be used with Option 002). 006, 30 Hz to Freq. Coverage. 007, Digitized Fast Time-Domain Sweeps. 008, Signal Identification. 042 Protective Soft Carrying Case/Backpack. 103, Delete Precision Frequency Reference, and 1 Hz and 3 Hz RBWs. 104, Delete Mass Memory Module.

Repair Services / Additional Information.

RF Connector Replacement
 Damaged or broken connector (2.4mm) on your microwave signal source or spectrum analyzer? OEM won't sell the replacement to you? Custom-Cal has the solution.  Want the connector moved from the from to rear on your signal source, this service is also the solution to undo the obsolete Model # -0041 (RF output connector moved to rear panel)
 The input and output connectors on your microwave test equipment affects more than signal fidelity. A damaged connector will destroy expensive adapters and cables.
 Whether your RF connector is worn out or was broken through mishandling or accident, Custom-Calibration Solutions will replace the OEM connector with a refurbished connector and new hard-line and bracket, as appropriate. The refurbished connector system will improve:
 Signal fidelity (flatness or frequency response)
 Input reflection (VSWR)
 Output impedance match
 Measurement repeatability
 Ease of connection
 Cable and adapter life

Agilent 8560 CRT Replacement
Tired of staring at an aging CRT?  Be rid of unnecessary strain on your eyes – ask Custom-Cal for a quote to retrofit the CRT with new TFT Color LCD technology!

Once we have performed the retrofit you can say good bye to any and all of the following ailments:
Dim display
Poor contrast
Fuzzy or out of focus
Hard to read mnemonics
Distortion and bowing
Problems associated with poor astigmatism

Enjoy a one year warrantee on this upgrade / retrofit
NIST traceable calibration of the entire instrument at (additional cost)
Adds color mapping to the monochrome display in 3 user-selectable color schemes:
- Classic (same as the newer ESA and PSA spectrum analyzers)
- 70000 (same as the 70000 series frames)
- monochrome
Traces are unique colors for easy recognition.
Reduces unit weight by 5 lbs.
Reduces power consumption.


Standard Calibration $835.00 *
Click on Logo for More Prices
*This is a Web introductory price for one calibration of the Keysight (Agilent) 8564E. Price does not in most cases include measurement performance data. Pricing does include NIST traceable calibration and issue of a calibration certificate and calibration label. Pricing may vary slightly due to volume and location of laboratory supporting calibration. Volume pricing may apply. On-site fees may apply depending on logistics, location and volume of work to be completed during the visit.

Related RF Terms and Definitions. For a complete list go to our  Terms and Definitions Page.

dBm (sometimes dBmW) is an abbreviation for the power ratio in decibels (dB) of the measured power referenced to one milliwatt (mW). Zero dBm equals one milliwatt. A 3 dB increase represents roughly doubling the power, a 3 dB decrease, the power is reduced by about one half.

Noise Figure
Noise Figure the ratio of the signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the signal-to-noise power ratio at the output.

Standing Wave Ratio (SWR)
Standing wave ratio (SWR) is the ratio of the amplitude of a partial standing wave at an antinode (maximum) to the amplitude at an adjacent node (minimum).

Please contact us for your Keysight (Agilent) 8564E REPAIR and/or Keysight (Agilent) 8564E 40 GHz RF Spectrum Analyzer CALIBRATION

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Calibration Type (Select one):
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 Serial Number:

 Is there any physical damage?  
 If yes, describe:

What is the description of the problem?

How/when did the problem start?

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