The HP 8595A Spectrum Analyzer offers frequency accuracy and a wide range of options for applications that demand higher performance. The HP 8595A has a frequency range of 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz with an amplitude range of -114 to + 30 dBm. For general export, it offers option 1BH, which does not display spans wider than 2.3 GHz. The HP 8595A has an optional 2.9 GHz built-in tracking generator. In addition, each comes standard with a memory-card reader that enables you to load HP's custom measurement personalities, your own programs, or measurement data into the spectrum analyzer using 32-Kbyte memory cards. Specifications. Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz. Span range: 0 Hz (zero span), 10 kHz to 6.5 GHz. Span accuracy: Span <= 10 MHz: ±2% of span, Span > 10 MHz: ±3%. Sweeptime Range: Span = 0 Hz or > 10 kHz: 20 ms to 100 s. Sweeptime Accuracy: 20 ms to 100 s: ±3%. Amplitude range: -114 to +30 dBm. Displayed average noise level: <= -114 to <= -110 dBm. Resolution bandwidth: 1 kHz to 3 MHz, ±20%; 9 kHz and 120 kHz (6 dB). Video bandwidth range: 30 Hz to 1 MHz. Built-in memory card reader. Options. 004: Precision Frequency Reference. 010: 50 ohm Built-in Tracking Generator. 021: HP-IB Interface. 023: RS-232 Interface. 101: Fast Time Domain Sweeps. 102: AM/FM Demodulator and TV Sync Trigger. 103: Quasi-Peak Detector/AM-FM Demodulator. 105: Time-gated Spectrum Analysis. 301: TV Sync Trigger. 1BH: general export version