The HP 8673D Synthesized Signal Generator is a full performance synthesizer designed to generate precise microwave signals over the 50 MHz to 26 GHz frequency range. It includes an internal tracking YIG-filter to further reduce unwanted harmonic, subharmonic, and non harmonic spurious signals above 1.2 GHz to <-60dBc. The HP 8673D delivers exceptionally flat power output across the full frequency ranges. For receiver sensitivity measurements, power is internally (or externally) leveled to -100 dBm. It features an internal pulse modulator that provides high-quality pulse modulation over the entire 50 MHz - 26 GHz range. Since the modulation is done before the frequency multiplication, the peak pulsed power can be leveled and calibrated to within typically +1.5/ -1.0 dBm of the set level referenced to CW. External TTL level pulse rates up to 1 MHz and pulse widths as narrow as 100 ns. Specifications. Frequency Range: 0.05-26.0 GHz (0.01 - 26.5 GHz in overrange). Frequency Bands: Band 0; 0.05 - 2.0 GHz, Band 1; 2.0 - 6.6 GHz, Band 2; 6.6 - 12.3 GHz, Band 3; 12.3 - 18.6 GHz, Band 4; 18.6 - 26.0 GHz. Frequency Resolution: 1 kHz Band 0 and 1, 3 kHz Band 3, 2 kHz Band 2, 4 kHz Band 4. Time base: internal 10 MHz (<5 x 10 ^- 10 / day aging rate) or external 5 or 10 MHz. Output level: +11 to -100 dBm @ .05 - 2.0 GHz. Option 001: Delete RF output attenuator. Option 002: Delete reference oscillator. Option 004: Rear panel RF output. Option 006: Chassis slide kit.