The HP 8702D 300 kHz to 3 GHz (850 nm) 300 kHz to 6 GHz (1300, 1550 nm) Lightwave Component Analyzer precisely characterizes the swept modulation frequency response of wide bandwidth fiber optic system elements such as WDM components, lasers, LEDs, photodiodes, and electro-optical modulators. The HP 8702D operates at a fixed wavelength and sweep the frequency of the intensity modulation signal over the bandwidth you select. The HP 8702D has 1300 and 1550 nm lightwave sources and receivers as well as an 850 nm receiver. These sources and receivers are characterized to allow calibrated measurements of electro-optical test devices. When used to measure linear electrical components, such as filters, amplifiers, and transmission lines, the lightwave component analyzers provide the full measurement capability of a microwave network analyzer. Typical measurements are bandwidth, insertion loss/gain, phase, impedance, match, and group delay. Options. 002, Harmonic Measurement Capability. 006, 6 GHz Frequency Extension. 011, Delete Built-in Test Set. 075, 75 ohm Impedance. 110, Delete Time Domain Capability. 105, High Stability Frequency Reference.