The Agilent E9327A 18 GHz diode power sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000. Specifications. Maximum Video Bandwidth: 5 MHz. Frequency Range: 50 MHz to 18 GHz. Power Range Average only Mode: –60 dBm to +20 dBm. Power Range Normal Mode: –40 dBm to +20 dBm. RF Connector: N-Type (m). Maximum Average Power: +23 dBm average. Maximum Peak Power: +30 dBm, <10 µs duration. Lower Range (Min. Power): -40 dBm (Normal Mode), -60 dBm (Average only Mode). Upper Range (Max. Power): +20 dBm (Normal Mode), +20 dBm (Average only Mode). Maximum SWR <=0 dBm: 50 MHz to 2 GHz (1.14), 2 GHz to 16 GHz (1.22), 16 GHz to 18 GHz (1.26). Sensor Linearity Temperature (25 ±10°C): ±4.2%.